How HealthCare Mobile Apps Are Improving Our Lives & Well Being


As technology continues to improve and consumers demand greater functionality, the use of mobile apps is increasing rapidly. Consumers and individual providers alike are driving the growth of these apps. For example, a text-message-based diabetes campaign called Text4Baby has been a huge success in communities where diabetes is a risk factor. Moreover, nearly everyone has access to a cell phone, making it easier to reach and engage with those at risk.

A Reduction in Healthcare Costs

Using mobile apps in healthcare can lead to significant savings. These apps can help physicians track the condition of patients more closely. This can help to prevent diseases from worsening and onset. The ability to monitor and track patient health data has been shown to reduce healthcare costs by as much as $7 billion annually in the US.

In addition to reducing costs, mobile health apps can also improve efficiency. For example, they can streamline the process of generating medical reports by automating the process. This way, medical report cards can be kept updated more often, reducing the need for manual labor. Mobile health apps also make it possible to store patient information electronically and retrieve it at a later date.

Improved Efficiency & Speed of Healthcare Delivery

Mobile health apps enable healthcare providers to improve the efficiency and speed of healthcare delivery. These apps can communicate important information to patients and doctors, including their prognosis and recommended medications. They can also alert hospital staff and doctors of upcoming appointments. Mobile health apps can even be integrated with wearables to collect daily health data.

Many health apps also help doctors and staff make data-driven decisions about their patients. They can collect data from medical devices and transmit files to doctors for complete health results. They can also provide timely answers to patient questions, such as if they're experiencing side effects from medication.

Ease of Data Collection for Health Care Providers

Efficient data collection can help healthcare professionals manage and improve patient care. Proper data collection can help healthcare providers to assess many different factors, from patient health to public health. Accurate data is crucial for accurate diagnosis, better treatment, and lower costs. Healthcare data collection tools can help care providers manage patient data quickly and share information with other providers. This type of information can help providers reduce doctor visits and readmissions.

Many organizations use different types of storage for medical data. Instead of using different types of storage, they should keep data in one system. The newest standard from HL7, called FHIR (pronounced "fire"), makes this possible without compromising information integrity. In addition to ensuring accurate data collection, healthcare providers should ensure that all records are stored in a single format.

Wrapping Things Up

Consumers can now use mobile apps to manage their health and well-being. LactMed, an app developed by the National Institutes of Health, gives information on the effect of medicines on breast milk, while Radiation Emergency Medical Management provides guidance in the case of radiation exposure. Many of these apps also diagnose diseases like cancer, glucose levels, and heart rhythms.

Several systematic reviews have examined the impact of apps in promoting health behaviors and improving health outcomes. The results of these reviews were mixed, although some apps tended to improve health outcomes. However, the quality and potential of these apps for health and well-being vary widely, particularly in the case of apps for multimorbidity. Nevertheless, research into the impact of mobile apps on health outcomes is still in its early stages and needs further analysis.


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